Build Update #3 – Coming to life!
… Like building a beautiful life together, it doesn’t happen by accident, or overnight! Pray, Focus, Plan, and pray some more! It also doesn’t happen alone. Just like many hands make a project come together, many lives influence your marriage. It’s ok, wise even, to ask advice: Take the good. Ask for help, even pay for […]
Build Update #2 – Here we go!
And so the journey begins! The town of Weatherford shows up for the ground breaking and and friends lend a hand. So exciting, so fun, and lots of work for this place called The Brooks at Weatherford to become reality.
Build Update #1 – “I DO”
No couple really has a clue when they utter those words “I do”, just what lies ahead, where the road will lead…what a risk they are actually taking!! But we take that risk because love says so, and start the journey forward. For us, now years later, we can see, we’ve turned out to be […]