That Fallin’ in Love Thing!

Cover photo credit to Rebecca Ellison Photography.

Spring has definitely sprung at The Brooks, with what’s been dubbed the ‘Wedding Season’, in full bloom! The brides, each one, beautiful, glowing, and starry eyed with expectation and joy in the man she loves… the one who’s, well, man enough to admit, “I’ve fallen for this girl!”

The grooms, maybe a bit nervous, but each one confident and sure in the woman he’s found… the one who’s strong enough to love him forever! It’s that fallin’ in love thing! As natural as sunrise; sunset and Winter giving way to Spring. A beautiful thing; a wonder even!

When did this whole fallin’ in love thing start? Who was was clever enough to dream it up, so that hallmark cards would forever sell and wedding industries forever thrive? Seems it truly is a tale as old as time… Not man made at all, but of divine design!

Touted the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon, matched it with things too wonderful to understand…

There are three things which are too wonderful for me, yes four too lofty for me to understand… The way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship at sea, and the way of a man with a maiden. Prov 30:18-19

What a privilege it is for us to celebrate with each couple that natural wonder called fallin’ in love!

2015-04-11 Bruno Patterson eng. Jesse & Hazel  3_2015 Kristen Summey & Clay Huddleson 6_28_15 2-15-05-29 Harris_Tzsonakis Eng. pic


Photography credit to Jake Felts Photography, Tucker Images and Rebecca Ellison Photography.

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